



shakem is the ultimate social clip creator and very easy to use. shakem offers you everything you need to create a fantastic video for you or your friends. You can also share your videos in all known social communities or via email.

For the super quick clips you can use the shakem wizard, with it you can create amazing shakes with just a few clicks using the various templates and your photos.

Or you can use the camera function to create a short film, select the appropriate music and your clip is finished. Thanks to Text-To-Speech, you can also change your text to any voice using shakem. Simply enter your text, choose a voice and your sound track is finished. With the next free update shakem offers you even more features like numerous filters and lens function so that your clips will be more individual and amazing.

With the shakem News Feed, you can see which clips are currently in demand or what your friends and the many other users of the shakem community are currently doing.






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