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【實用生活app】when i create 雑貨|最夯免費app


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when i create -- is a Singapore-based online Zakka store that features uniquely hand-picked, craft materials and lifestyle products.

WIC was founded by wendy (http://20yearsrunningwild.wordpress.com/) who had always wanted her own creative SPACE.

A space for free play. A space to allow her curious mind to evoke whimsical ideas-- some of them quaint and kitschy to say the least.Then came her discovery of Zakka… and it is through this fashion and design phenomenon that enables her to express the nuances of her taste and imagination.

Wendy has found the sweet spot to fuse her dream with reality by creating this humble, endeavouring platform to provides you what you need to transform your artful concepts into a hand-made reality,and to enable u to expand the boundaries of your creativity.Discover,experiment and bask into the quaint and whimsical world of Zakka with her.

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Il Mito 2

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