Google Play 提供數百萬本書籍任君挑選,包括最新發行新書、New York Times® 書籍銷售排行榜上的暢銷書、教科書和免費的經典名著。您可以輕鬆調整字型大小及其他設定,享有個人專屬的閱讀空間。透過手機、平板電腦或電腦,隨時隨地都可在線上閱讀或離線閱讀,還能從上次中斷的位置繼續閱讀。現 …
Have a beer? Can you turn it into a flute? Good job. Now, can you down 7 more beers to exactly the right levels to produce a perfect octave of sweet s …
Fun, fast duck action. Can you get all the bonus items while staying away from the evil ducks of doom? Immerse yourself for sixty seconds and try to m …
Fun, fast duck action. Can you get all the bonus items while staying away from the evil ducks of doom? Immerse yourself for sixty seconds and try to m …
You've spent your hard-earned money on an airplane ticket. Now where to sit? Don't leave it to the airline to decide because chances are you'll end up …
Since unforeseen automobile accidents happens, it's best to prepare beforehand. This is where Accident log comes into play. With Accident log, you are …