A simple application that shows how many days left until the end of the contact lenses period of use. You can choose separate time periods for the lef …
As most of us know, contact lenses are the best alternative to glasses. They are small, plastic shaped discs that are made to correct eyesight problem …
Now you will never forget to replace another pair of contact lenses, and will always know how many days until a replacement. The application's featur …
Program is designed for people using contact lenses. For people that forget to begin a new pair of lenses in the age of rapid information - this progr …
Dead Space HD(死亡空间)是美国艺电(EA)公司制作的一款第三人称射击游戏。这次为大家献上的是Android Market版。 【游戏背景】 玩家在游戏中扮演一位叫艾萨克·克拉克(Issac Clarke)的工程师,他跟随同伴前往调查发出遇难信号的石村号太空飞船。在飞船上他们遭到不明怪物 …
This Wolters Kluwer source of information, The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, is developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries. Improve your perfo …