Benvenuti nell’APP dell’Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, ente che raggruppa gli ospedali pubblici del Canton Ticino. L’applicativo, concepito per aiutare g …
MBMS is a simple and easy to use mobile based movie and media collection database to manage your inventory of all your media like movies on DVD, Blura …
Scan media in your SD card(s) by folders manually.Support Android 4.4 (KitKat)Note: The folder contains .nomedia will be skipped.免費玩Folder Media Scann …
This small application, simply bypass your existing media scanner and scans your media files 100% successfully.and also clear dump files.免費玩Media Scan …
Upgrade to paid version to enjoy faster & improved scanning speeds, constant updates, newer features and support.*** Paid version uses a different sca …
Application that allows you to view all the statistics of the players in Serie A since the 2010/2011 season. You can choose which statistics show. Ver …
Esta aplicación ha sido descontinuada, por favor buscar por la nueva y mejorada versión WatchMe.Esta Aplicación solo captura tu Ubicación GPS y la env …