Manage your expenses on the go!Save time by entering your expense details as you incur them. No more trawling through receipts at the end of each mont …
Expense meter is an easy to use application for managing your daily expenses. Allows you to monitor and control your spending.Not only "your" spending …
My Xpense app not only records your income and expenditures, it helps to manage your money more effectively with ease. Each expense category can be as …
[보배로운예수교회 소개]보배로운예수교회는 보수신앙인 예성교단(성결대학교)으로 세상사람들에게 소망을 주고 성도들에게 기쁨을 주는 주는 교회 목적을 세우고, 예수님의 말씀을 믿고 순종하여 축복을 경험하며 기적을 일으키는 교회입니다.담임목사 - 김 기용주소 - 경기도 고양시 …
Introducing Higher or Lower. This game is for entertainment only, no actual money can be won or lostThis classic card game has been around in many dif …
Higher or Lower is a simple card game.* RULES SinglePlayer --------- In the single player mode you just playing for a high score. You need to guess if …
This is the classic card game, Higher or lower. Do you have what it takes to rise to the top of the leader boards by correctly guessing the next card …
A brand new unique bingo experience! Battle storybook monsters by completing unique bingo challenges. Start your Bingo Kingdoms journey today!Bingo Ki …
★★★★★ #1 FREE PIRATES SLOTS GAME - PLAY FREE FOREVER ★★★★★Play the best free slot machines jackpot game just like in Las Vegas, featuring custom high …