This application provides list of all Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) located in the Kingdom of Bahrain. This directory provides contact details, …
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is an organization that is neither a part of a government nor a conventional for-profit business. Usually set up …
RAINBOW CELEBRATING LIFE is a charitable trust to serve humanity. Our goal is to contribute towards the development of a strong sense of belonging amo …
Luther Bauhaus GartenreichLutherstadt Wittenberg – die Wiege der Reformation mobil erkundenErfahren Sie mit diesem Tourismus-App, wie Wittenberg Weltg …
Informieren Sie sich über den Kyffhäuser Kreis in Thüringen.Besuchen Sie das berühmte Panoramagemälde von Prof. Werner Tübke, das Kyffhäuserdenkmal od …
Unsere Lernwerkstatt (German Edition) 30 suggestions for learning blocks elementary schoolfunded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung , Germ …
Diese App ist für die Schüler, deren Eltern und die Lehrer des Elisabeth-Gymnasiums Halle gedacht. ELG vereinfacht den Zugriff auf wichtige Informatio …
X - MathThe object of X-Math is to practice math facts while playing X-Math!Features:-Random: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Mixe …
ACQUA é um jogo de tabuleiro para 2 jogadores, o segundo de uma série de 4 jogos elementais desenvolvidos pela Hidra Games.Neste jogo você controla o …