Easily manage your Appointment-Plus business scheduling account from your Android device with the Appointment-Plus app. If you don’t already have an a …
Android client application for http://hintme.bazinga-team.com web service. Since this is just beta version, there are probably alot of bugs. Sorry. If …
Jungle is a very dangerous place even for its "citizens". One little panda got into trouble and it needs your help badly. You are going to play as a v …
The little mouse starts its adventure flying on the balloon! But the journey is not as safe as it thinks: there are a lot of dangers, obstacles and en …
Have you ever played beach volleyball with... jellies? Now you have such a chance with our new Jelly Volley! This 2 player sport game is the combinati …
Oh, my! The little cute doggie fell down into the river! The swift waters bring it very fast and it needs your help badly! Use your accuracy and dexte …
MeroAnswer is a web and android based application to prepare competitive exams. Currently we are in version 0.1 and our service area is limited to IOM …
Block Game ist ein Highscore Spiel in dem versuchen muss alle Blöcke zu entfernen.Um Blöcke zu entfernen, tippe auf mindestens drei aneinander liegend …
Aquesta aplicació està disenyada per tal que, les persones relacionades amb la nostra classe (alumnes, pares/mares, familiars...) puguen estar informa …