Nian är ett ordspel som går ut på att bilda så många ord som möjligt av ett rutnät om nio bokstäver.Varje bokstavsbricka får bara användas en gång och …
"oO" is a hardcore minimal "dodge-em-up / runner" arcade game. In oO you control a ball as it moves around the circumference of interconnected circles …
U-life is an Internet-based video service platform. It enables separate IP and 3G cameras to register on the platform. By loading a U-life software (a …
Memo is a note taking app designed specifically for Galaxy Note. Warning: only tested on Original International Galaxy Note (5.3"), use on other devic …
Love some Brainstorming? Love guessing and word games? Guessing it right – makes you happy puts you in the top of the world! GUEZZIT Is for you! Guezz …