全民英檢是由財團法人語言訓練測驗中心所發展的本土化英語能力檢測系統簡稱為GEPT(General English Proficiency Test)。此測驗的對象並不侷限於在學學生才能參加。本著終身學習的理念及精神,在學學生及社會人士都可依照自己的能力報考適當的等級。因此,考題不會只侷限於教科書中, …
Praise for Up, Down, Left, Right: * "...Up there with Flappy Bird – but in a way that means you play it more, not less." - The Guardian.* "It’s basica …
OMG! is a fun, simple, step-by-step GPS that will help you help your female partner find her way to complete satisfaction. With OMG!, you’ll guide her …