English Japanese Dictionary – travel dictionary to translate English to Japanese displaying a list of words in romanised (phonetic) Japanese or Japane …
English Italian Dictionary – travel dictionary to translate English to Italian displaying a list of matching words. The dictionary also translates fro …
User will be satisfied with this Irish - English dictionary because: - It has the largest vocabulary- Detail description for each word and a lot of sa …
English Indonesian Dictionary – travel dictionary to translate English to Indonesian displaying a list of matching words. The dictionary also translat …
People Fu HD V.3 is a mobile phone surveillance application just based on iPad, which supports the full line of surveillance products, including digit …
Search for English language courses in England, Scotland and Wales - general, academic, business, holiday and more. Detailed information on hundreds o …
English Icelandic TranslatorIcelandic English TranslatorThis application is designed to be a translator between English and Icelandic.This application …