Découvrez Béthune Mobile, l’application de la Ville de Béthune pour IPhone, Smartphone, Tablette...Un nouveau moyen de communication utile et pratique …
It is a light which often exists. The flash of a panel and a camera can be turned on and off. - Directions for use - Panel (ON/OFF) : ON/OFF of a pane …
Food cooking/making simulation (time management) game, like the family restaurant game, with beautiful anime-style characters. Features : - 35 levels …
You can use this app in your coffee shop/ bakery to replace your paper printed catalogs.Benefits and features of using Cafe eMenu:Add/Edit categories. …
FREE - NO ADS!! JUST A PURE, SIMPLE, FAST FLASHLIGHT APP.Camera flash turns on when app is started. On/Off toggle button gives user immediate control …
Bulughul Maram merupakan salah satu karya fenomenal dari al-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalany setelah Syarah (penjelasan) Shahih Bukhari, yaitu Fathul Bar …
Aplikasi Ibadah Puasa bagi kemudahan maklumat kepada anda.Mudah digunakan di telefon mudah alih anda dan boleh digunakan tanpa mengira usia masyarakat …