六字大明咒。觀音心咒 Om Mani Padme Hum Video Music Mp3 唵嘛呢叭彌吽,是觀世音菩薩摩訶薩微妙本心。若有善男子善女人,而能依法念此六字大明陀羅尼,是人得無盡辯才,得清淨智聚,得大慈悲,如是之人,日日得具六波羅蜜多圓滿功德,是人得天轉輪灌頂。 若有人能而常受持此六字大明 …
A reinterpretation of the traditional Tibetan prayer wheel based on the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra.Temple Wheel displays the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra wi …
Maryland Theatre Guide is your ticket to theatre news in Maryland, DC, and Northern VA! The “Theatre Guide” section lists theatres by city/county alon …
FIND A STORE AND GET DIRECTIONS- Find the closest Wheels C Store and get directions from your current location. Find a nearby location based on city, …