Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (6 March 1475 – 18 February 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo, was an Italian sculptor, painter, archit …
Get real help in daily task flow arrangement. Spend your precious time on doing essential things first, not messing it up.Trial limitation: 5 active t …
Beautiful movies made easy for your Windows Phone.Enjoy the simplicity and ease of creating movies on your phone with MovieJax!MovieJax allows you to …
"Tired of waiting for the best Twitter app on Windows Phone 8? Your wait ends here! Twabbit, one of the most loved Twitter apps on WP7 has been update …
[Veja o Tutorial Abaixo] Coloque senha no atalho para seu facebook e não deixe que ninguém mexa em sua conta pessoal. Tire o Facebook da tela inicial …
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