Eye Reading Body Language
People say that the eyes are a "window to the soul" - that they can tell us much about a person just by gazing into them. Given that we cannot, for ex …
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Recipes from ingredients PRO
This is the PRO version of Smart Recipes!- No limit in the research results- You can see the whole list of recipes- No ads- Support the developerThank …
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What is infiniminute?infiniminute is a daily practice of dissolving in one minute silence between 11:11 am (local time) to 11:12 am.In order to prepar …
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Tiempo Curioso Accesible
¿Sabías que, el trecho más profundo en el Océano Pacífico es 28 veces más profundo que la altura del edificio Empire States en EE.UU.? o ¿sabías que, …
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