The Bhagavad Gita represents the epitome of the philosophy contained in Sanatana Dharma. In elegant Sanskrit verses, it lays out the path to self-real …
金剛般若波羅蜜經姚秦天竺三藏鳩摩羅什譯佛教經典以中文直式閱讀的方式顯示內容(Traditional Chinese only)版本資訊:V1.3版開始改以CBETA「中華電子佛典協會」的大藏經為依據重新製作。經文資料說明:*經文取自CBETA「中華電子佛典協會」資料庫。*【經文資訊】大正新脩大藏經 …
"Coloring Book" is a free coloring game for kids on Android. A lot of nice images for kids: dogs, cats, babies, princesses, cartoons, dragons, cars, m …