藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 (藥師經)唐三藏法師玄奘奉詔譯佛教經典以中文直式閱讀的方式顯示內容(Traditional Chinese only)版本更新資訊:V1.3:V1.3版開始改以CBETA「中華電子佛典協會」的大藏經為依據重新製作。經文資料說明:*經文取自CBETA「中華電子佛典協會」資料庫 …
Dance is a great way to reduce stress but it can also help you to stay fit and healthy. SO if you are not aware of how your dance can act as a workout …
A free widget which shows you the next four birthdays out of your phonebook. The first one is shown with his picture.With a tap on the widget you will …
Zoccam provides real tools for real estate agents. Features include the ability to Remote Deposit Capture Earnest Money to title companies, and the ab …
Accédez à la base de données Codata lors de vos déplacements.Cette application est réservée aux abonnés de Codata Explorer.Codata Mobile est la soluti …
===================================================안드로이드 2.2 ~ 4.0 ver. 까지 지원 가능합니다 * 다운로드 후 기기 지원문제로 환불을 원하실 경우 15분 이내 구매페이지에서 환불 가능================= …