PoopCare 장 건강을 지켜주는 이색 건강 케어 앱 Beta유제품만 먹는다고 변비가 해결될 것이라고 생각하셨나요?PoopCare는 자신의 배변 상태와 그날 컨디션을 분석하여 건강 상태를 분석하고 이에 따라 다양한 팁과 수행 과제, 식단 추천 등을 통해 장 건강을 효 …
This app, developed by doctors was designed to provide an instant diagnostic analysis of your symptoms by asking a series of relevant questions. The p …
Constipation is one of the major gastrointestinal complaints ; it is making around 2 . 6 million people visit doctors every year . People might have e …
Lao Yong Unicode Font , created by Opath Khammavong , by Laoapps.com and inspire by Dr. Bualy , we have sketch from Lao old style characters, even it& …