يجمع الصحف والأخبار من 23 دولة + BBC و CNN والعربية.باللغة العربية مجاني 100% موقع الصحيفة والتويتر والفيس بوك واليوتيوب وال RSS والكثير.الدول الموجود …
FALHA CORRIGIDA EM DISPOSITIVOS IOS 6, BASTA ATUALIZAR O APP.★ Agora com 3660 perguntas e Gráficos Retina Display! ★LetraQuiz é um jogo de perguntas d …
8 games with 120 different activities in one app to entertain the kids for a long time with the iPhone!Transform your iPhone in a activity book with t …
The best kick-up game with multiple balls on iPhone! *** NOW FREE ***Tap to kick-up the ball and try to keep it in the air.If you kick the first ball …