『集食行樂』App針對功能做更創新更特別的設計,使手機得以連結 Data Taipei 網站內提供之資料庫:臺北市旅館資料庫、臺北旅遊網-景點資料、臺北旅遊網-住宿資料以及其他活動訊息、商家資料等,以便利、簡潔的操做介面提供使用者搜尋大台北地區住宿及旅遊資訊。例如:能讓使用者不只是為了找尋店家而使用 …
Uposatha Days Application are the calendar of the Uposatha days as observed in Thai Buddhism (Dhammayutika and Mahānikāya sects). This application fol …
Since 2000 size? have specialised in supplying the best brands in footwear, apparel and accessories to the UK, Europe and the rest of the world! The s …
No matter if you are an experienced and passionate angler, or you simply enjoy fishing as a hobby, this is the perfect Android™ application for you! T …
Carpe Diem, das Zentrum für Gesundheit, Vitalität und Wohlbefinden. Ihr Spezialist für Gesundheits- und Rückentraining und dem BEWEI Figurprogramm. Mi …
CRA-PA - Conselho Regional de Administração do Pará - Aqui caro associado, você encontrará os mais diversos serviços e informações, que o possibilitar …
This is a simple file checksum generator.You cannot start the application from the Launcher; it can be used only as a share target.Please report bugs; …