In a small town in the middle of nowhere, a young girl is haunted by the revenants of the past. But her unique ability may be the only way to find the …
Achtung: Es ist eine neue Version verfügbar: Geo Saison Mallorca 2014, komplett aktualisiert, mit 60 neuen Tipps und Adressen.Diese Ausgabe ist nur im …
Discovery version with 3 mini-games and the first 3 pages of the story.*** Top 5 of the commercial apps (March 2011), winner of the "Best E-Book” awar …
Berlin ist spitze, das wissen wir längst. Auch im Tourismus liegt die Stadt ganz vorn: 2012 reisten rund elf Millionen Besucher an die Spree. Seit Jah …
Do your kids have a great imagination?What would they do if they had magic powers?Rodrigo thinks he has a fairly good idea...In this tBook (tablet-cen …
Discover the next generation of storytelling with Skyreader Media’s immersive and interactive children’s e-books.It’s time for Mr. Monkey to open his …
If a mole picked up the moon, it wouldn’t fit in his hole, so he would have to divide it into smaller pieces and use them in a lantern to give his hom …
“IELTS Writing band 7+ “ is a perfect tool for you to prepare your IELTS Writing test. Especially if you are very busy and have little opportunity to …