Ever feels bored when drinking with friend and have nothing to do? Drunkers 789 is a fun game, orginated in Asia. It involves rowing 2 dices, and with …
¿Quieres tener casi todos los test de salud más importantes que existen en tu móvil o tablet, además de guardar los resultados en una ficha clínica de …
Welcome to the Night Time Triage Application. Following are the instructions:Since not all Mass Casualty Incidents (MCI) and Natural Disasters occur o …
The MEDRILLs (U.S. Army Medic) AED app is a highly interactive training tool for initial training and skill sustainment of task 081-833-3027 for U.S. …
El Trono de Mexico FAL contains : Music, Videos, Lyrics, Facebook account, Twitter account, YouTube, , Barcode Scanner and more ... Try this applicati …