★出行必备神器,ATM机、加油站、药店...周边信息快快查!★★大众点评荣誉出品,4000万用户共同见证,值得信赖!★不能刷卡真闹心!没带现金,找不到取款机...囧自驾省钱不省心!油箱报警,找不到加油站...囧小吃美味不省心!水土不服,找不到药店...囧求人?问路?摆渡? OUT 啦!用“周边快查” …
This app Works on Android 1.6 to 2.3.x, Does not work on Android 3.x and 4.x. Are you using a "screen off" app such as "Screen off","Screen Off and Lo …
The first crowd sourced moon sighting app, ever! This app allows users all around the world to post sightings, or non sightings, of the crescent moon. …
Slide the Tiles and match the target in the shortest time you can.There is A time limit for each puzzle and when this reaches zero the game is over.Ca …