本版本仅供Android作业系统2.1以下版本使用,"(OS2.2以上)国泰世华银行 My MobiBank"已於100/11/28进行改版,增加特店、最新消息等多项新功能,建议手机作业系统為2.2版以上的客户移除本版本,重新下载"(OS2.2以上)国泰世华银行 My MobiBank"。 国泰世华 …
[Summary]Application to manage the situation of cigarettes smoking.Will be added to the total amount will be recorded in the amount of smoking time yo …
Smokeless helps you quit smoking, measuring your savings and health improvements since the day you quitted.See in an effective and attractive way:1. h …
SmokeKontrol allows you to keep track of the amount of cigarettes smoked per day, week or month.It allows you to set the actual cost of a pack of eith …
SmilesHollywoodStyleOrtho provides this app for patients to easily contact the office, request an appointment, or request emergency treatment (and inc …
For new moms, to keep them updated on their baby’s dental development and in monitoring overall oral health. How to? 1. Use the teeth touch map to kno …