Get the quick opinions app that users are calling ‘insanely addictive’!Need a second (or hundredth) opinion on absolutely anything? Post your question …
Send GPS (Global Positioning System) location via SMS (Short Message Service) to a specified telephone numberIdeal for trail running, cross country, h …
This Home Calendar is a Widget for Android. It is just a tiny part on your smartphone’s screen.Please download & enjoy its convenience. It will be alw …
This is a billiards game based on the rules of a famous 9-ball billiards (3D version )You can: + Perform billiards practice movements like in the real …
La raccolta completa di tutti i film della coppia "Bud Spencer e Terence Hill". Tutte le informazioni sui singoli film, audio e video delle battute pi …
A Tic Tac Toe game is for two players to play against each other using their Android device. WiFi Direct networking is used to coordinate playing acti …
¿Embarazada? Te explicamos, semana a semana, cómo evoluciona tu embarazo, cómo cambia tu cuerpo y cómo crece tu bebé Calculadora de Embarazo, fecha de …