The Werewolf Game for Kids is a timed three round matching game, featuring all kind of sweets that you love. You will find lots of spooky stuff! The f …
Jump into the spirit of the fourth with synchronized fireworks playing on your screen! Exploding fireworks say freedom and liberty like no other singl …
The Zener cards were a deck made up of five simple symbols. The five different Zener cards are: a hollow circle (one curve), a Greek cross (two lines) …
새로운 기능 1. 전시소개 및 음성안내 2. 전시작품 소개 및 음성안내 3. QR코드 스캔 4. 모바일웹 여유의 미학이 흐르는 대구미술관! 어려운 예술에서 일상이 되는 예술이 되고자 노력하고 있습니다. 대구미술관 전시실에서 큐레이터의 음성으로 전시와 작품소개를 들을 수 …
Daily Movie Digest is a free movie app that help you find a publicly shared popular movie (with good quality) that was uploaded to YouTube. Only 1 vid …
This Application Helps to understand the English Language through English to Tamil translated sentence.Mostly this Application used to Understand Engl …
You think any number between 1 to 100, this app will tell the number you thought.You will be presented 7 screens, just tap "Yes" or "No", Yes if the n …