MyChecklist is a self managing application.We can add list of items to be done. By default it is providing travel checklist.Using this app one can man …
Crystal Wheeler - Rainbow WavesAs an adult indigo, I remember growing up feeling completely out of place and longing for guidance in a world that just …
Our Heritage, Our Purpose, Our HomeWelcome to Lutheran Services Carolinas (LSC), a new collective ministry representing the coming together of two vit …
We, Church of the Nativity are a welcoming faith family committed to living the gospel values of Jesus Christ, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.W …
At the Law Office of Brad M. Micklin Esq. located in Nutley, New Jersey, our mission is to meet the needs of our clients with personal service and cus …
The 2014 NiUG Asia Pacific Discovery Conference provides iMIS users with three days of intensive learning, presentations and networking opportunities. …
It is designed to help you eat a healthy diet. It is not endorsed by the NHS. Eat the correct amount of starch, fats, fruit and veg, dairy and meat. E …
This is an android wear watch face that is made to look like a terminal with binary telling time. The first number is the hour, sencond is minute, thi …
A Fauna Brasileira é um aplicativo infantil, que ensina sobre os principais animais da fauna brasileira. Contém frases com informações e sons dos anim …