Linux Monitor
escription: The Linux Monitoring application concentrates several resource information about your remote Linux server (or client) in one window. You c …
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Linux Referencias
Entre las aplicaciones para aprender o practicar Los comandos para GNU/Linux una lista de comandos accesibles en tu mano. * Sin la menor duda, la mejo …
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Porteus Linux
Porteus is a complete Linux operating system that is optimized to run from CD, USB flash drive, hard drive, or other bootable storage media.- explore …
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Linux Ricordari
Esta app es un juego de habilidad mental. En la pantalla aparecen 9 iconos distintos, cada uno con el logo de alguna distribución de linux. Un icono p …
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Mail Merge
Mail Merge allows you to send customized emails using templates and contact data. Reach all your contacts individually with just one touch directly fr …
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Vous avez bien déjeuner mais maintenant c'est le moment de l'addition et de réussir à calculer quel pourboire donner au serveur. Pas de paniqu …
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Split Bill Tip
Calculate a tip. Enter the amount of the bill, the percent that you'd like to tip and the number of person to split the bill. Hit gears button to …
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