The Pinwheel Galaxy (also known as Messier 101, M101 or NGC 5457) is a face-on spiral galaxy distanced 21 million light-years M101 is a relatively lar …
This application helps take you back to your childhood memories of playing with a pinwheel. Simply blow into the microphone to make it spin!Let the ca …
Breviary prayer book - Liturgy of hours (Slovak, Czech, and Hungarian).Offline version of / / available …
Access the Smurfs’ Village and play with your little blue buddies! By means of this game kids will finally get the chance to make their dreams come tr …
內容介紹 : "The best game I've ever played with absolutely no gameplay." ( "Ultimately, GodVille is a fun, funny, incredibly clever littl …
The original fifteen puzzle game, the classic sliding tile puzzle game. Use your own photo, update your Facebook status, multiple puzzle sizes, and cu …