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Artificial Intelligence for everyone. 600 levels of thoughtful color erasures – a 30 seconds race against the clock. ColorShooter is an Artificial Int …
Vcall is a free app designed for Luxcam VCALL devices which is a new generation of smart home product, It uses advanced P2P network transmission techn …
ColorShift is a beautiful and musically enchanting puzzle game. Escape into a peaceful world where you match colors of three or more blocks to gain po …
Bist du Farbenblind? Nein!? Dann beweise es. Du hast 60 Sekunden Zeit. Ein Farbenraten der superlative, bei dem einem auch mal schlecht werden kann... …
Con un click o con uno shake non importa, trova la frase giusta per te e condividila sui principali social network. A disposizione avrai una vasta sce …
Great light meter on the go! Controlling Light is an essential skill for all photographers, videographers, digital filmmakers, both amateur and profes …