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ESA Bulletin at your fingertipsTo celebrate the 150th edition of the ESA Bulletin, ESA is now making available ALL 150 issues of the Bulletin, a treas …
[English]"Esau e Jaboc" is a book written by Machado de Assis in portuguese language.[Portuguese]Esaú e Jacó é o penúltimo livro de Machado de Assis, …
A child's mind is open to all kinds of possibilities and he can build upon his experience by imagining what can be. This book explores the boundaries …
Escenario de guerra, la primera novela de Andrea Jeftanovic, nos entrega una historia construida a partir de los recuerdos fragmentados que recoge la …
Un style littéraire. Une dose d'humour. Un témoignage assumé et jubilatoire !Mélodie Nelson, l'une des blogueuses sexy les plus suivies au Québec, nou …
[English]A Escrava Isaura (Isaura, The Slave Girl) is a novel written by the Brazilian writer Bernardo Guimarães. It was first published in 1875 by Ca …