Mesechet Taanit - Chavruta
Chavruta Mesechet Taanit with Daf Yomi Calendar.This uses the text and formatting of the Chavrusa - a helper for learning Gemara.Made by Hebrewbooks.o …
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Mesechet Beitza - Chavruta
Chavruta Mesechet Beitza with Daf Yomi Calendar.This app uses the text and formatting of the Chavrusa - a helper for learning Gemara.Made by Hebrewboo …
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Mesechet Chagiga - Chavruta
Yevamot Coming soon.Chavruta Mesechet Chagiga with Daf Yomi Calendar.This app uses the text and formatting of the Chavrusa - a helper for learning Gem …
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Mesechet Moed Katan - Chavruta
Chavruta Mesechet Moed Katan with Daf Yomi Calendar.This app uses the text and formatting of the Chavrusa - a helper for learning Gemara.Made by Hebre …
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ClickMeeting Online Meetings
ClickMeeting, the world's easiest online meetings and webinars platform, just got easier. How? We combined it with the world's easiest tablet. …
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ZOOM Cloud Meetings
Zoom,隨身多人多屏視訊會議,是一個結合了雲端視訊會議,線上會議與即時群組訊息等功能,且易於上手與操作的應用程式。您可隨時隨地在任何Android裝置上,輕鬆快速地召開或者加入一個2 5人的線上會議.Zoom會議具有超清晰的視訊面對面通訊,高品質的螢幕共享與方便的即時訊息功能 。 只要安裝免費的Z …
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