Pryvate is the most secure voice, email & chat app for business people & individuals that require a high level of communication encryption to protect …
Mobile Datenerfassung mit der App für Dokumentation der Prüfungen im Arbeitsschutz Die App "Prüfungen im Arbeitsschutz " ist eine praxisgerechte Anwen …
You can input ideas without stopping thinking. You can arrange ideas without stopping thinking.Just put, new ideas.Only operation, to the left, to the …
You can input ideas without stopping thinking. You can arrange ideas without stopping thinking.Just put, new ideas.Only operation, to the left, to the …
AR LOT【詳細】AR LOTは、スマートフォンのカメラ機能を使ったARクジ引きアプリです。AR LOTを起動して印刷物の3つの絵(風鈴、カキ氷、ひまわり)のいずれか1つをカメラでかざすと「ピュー、ピュー」と音をたててアニメーションの花火が打ちあがり、夜空に花火が開くと“アタリ”です。花火が開かな …
You can input ideas without stopping thinking. You can arrange ideas without stopping thinking.Just put, new ideas.Only operation, to the left, to the …