Lu's Camera 路的相机中有许多创意可爱小贴图让使用者做最大的发挥,可尽情在自我的相片中做点缀,之中有许多小贴图风情万种的图案可任意出现在画面之中,让自己的照片看起来更生动活泼有趣育!记录日常生活中的photo因为有了Camera lu 让你的生活照不再是枯燥乏味,数十种的可爱相框让你轻鬆拥 …
The Olive Branch is a restaurant that specialises in offering Turkish and Mediterranean cuisine at two locations: Leeds and Hebden Bridge.We are a fam …
Find out how to not crop your photos on Instagram so that you can also upload portrait or landscape photos instead of only square ones.The first step …
Universal Translator translate up to 50 different languages. Suitable for single words and to complete sentences and texts. No matter you do not know …
A timer is a specialized type of clock for measuring time intervals.A device which counts down from a specified time interval is more usually called a …
Fast Note is a simple application for writing. It gives you an experience of notepad when editing fast and easy notes, note, email, message, shopping …
A Fast FlashlightFast. Functional. Free.- Tap-and-hold to keep the light on until you lift the finger off the screen, or tap-and-swipe to toggle on/of …