Musical Notes, depicted as moving spherical entities, play themselves when collide with the walls of a zero-gravity container producing random music. …
An app to play notes directly from a music score interface.Do you want to be able to pick up a tune from a book? Or find the right starting note for s …
Market+ Is an application store Android Market Navigation for the domestic program, you only need to download an app, you can see on the market mainst …
《谷歌钱包 Google Wallet》是一款手机应用,它会让你的手机变成钱包,它将塑料信用卡存储为手机上的数据,还会加上各种优惠,当然今后还有购物卡和礼品卡,我们希望谷歌钱包能够成为一个开放的移动钱包,替代今天你手中装这各式卡片的皮钱夹,谷歌钱包使用的是近场通信技术(NFC,近距离通信),通过在智 …