Splash EMP
The idea behind MarinaStream’s Splash app is to revolutionize the marina industry by introducing mobile technology. Customers of rack storage complexe …
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Splash On-Site
The Splash On-Site app for iOS is the ultimate companion to the world's most powerful online events platform. Capture content with a snappy camera and …
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Splash Real Estate
The Splash Real Estate app is designed to help you take the next step as a buyer, seller, tenant or landlord with us right by your side.. or in your p …
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SplashShopper - Lists for iPad
Manage your lists of groceries, gifts, to do’s, wines, music, movies, and more. Track prices and locations. Easily manage, backup, and sync lists to y …
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Splashtop Collaborative Browser
Now, you can co-browse any website with friends, colleague, or customers from your iPad! You can access documents on Dropbox or Office365 from the bro …
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Splashtop Collaborative Browser Free
Now, you can co-browse any website with friends, colleague, or customers from your iPad! You can access documents on Dropbox or Office365 from the bro …
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Splashtop Collaborative Browser Viewer
** The app is a viewer for you to join a browser session. To host a browser session, please use iPad version of Splashtop Collaborative browser **Now, …
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Splashtop Whiteboard 2
***** Turn your iPad into a mobile interactive whiteboard! ****** Limited Time Special Discount!! ($19.99 USD, Discounted from $29.99 Retail) Brought …
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Splice.sr - the smart show tell app
# Winner of the 2014 Tabby Awards for best education / training app * Create interactive presentations by splicing together any content with a voice-o …
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