We regret to inform you that service for this application will be terminated as of 3/30/2015.*Items already purchased may be used until service termin …
This App contains rich collection of best quotes on different topics which you can use to forward in all different social groups which you have create …
Have you ever been in a bad situation where you need a valid excuse to get out of, such as a bad date or an otherwise-unpleasant situation? Well this …
Este aplicativo é GRATUITO e retrata um pouco do folclore brasileiro. Vários contos com diversos personagens poderão ser lidos, personagens que causam …
This App can help you to count how long you live since your birthday免費玩YYY Life Timer APP玩免費免費玩YYY Life Timer AppYYY Life Timer APP LOGOYYY Life Timer …
RPG Dice Pool,is an app that provides you with multi-sided dice for you to play RPG games.Shake your phone to roll the dice,as you roll the phone vibr …