Quickly find the resultant of two forces in any direction. Very usefull for civil/mechanical engineering.* png export by email* Camera overlays (see s …
PromoShop est une application pour les commerçant participant au concept PromoWin édité par la société Come Online, qui a pour but de promouvoir dans …
Buderus et Geminox deviennent Bosch pour offrir aux clients professionnels et particuliers le meilleur des solutions thermiques. C’est en analysant le …
VotaryTech GEO ALBUM is mobile solution which will help the user to create the album with pictures taken or available on their mobile phone/repository …
Military-related phrases for foreign language learners. With phrases and audio.Using this app, you can select an English phrase and view its translati …
At more than 18000 golf courses in the world, Weather2Golf offers:- current weather- fourteen days weather forecast- weather report- satellite images- …
버튼을 누르면 큰 사이렌 소리가 울리는 앱입니다.-어플을 실행시킨 상태에서는 기존의 화면 자동 꺼짐 설정이 작동을 하지 않도록설정되어 있으므로 어플을 실행시킨 상태에서 필요시 언제든지 버튼만 눌러주면 사이렌 소리를 울릴 수 있습니다. 검색어:알람, 경보기, 경보, 위급 …
Ever want to know what words may sound like if they were actually farts? Well, now you can. Simply enter your word or phrase into the box, press the b …