Sophos Authenticator is a simple and intuitive application that provides multi-factor authentication on your mobile device. It generates both time-bas …
O Artia é um aplicativo do Software web para Gestão de Projetos Artia onde você pode gerenciar suas atividades. Você consegue controlá-las dentro dos …
FEX — это самый быстрый способ, чтобы обмениваться файлами с вашими родными, друзьями и коллегами. Более 200 форматов файлов можно просмотреть в Интер …
Learn about financial ratios!Financial Ratios is a fully-featured flash card app that includes: + Main Deck+ Faves Deck+ Ignore Feature+ Shuffle Abili …
Eyes resting software that reminds intervals to remind eye resting time.* Time duration and text setting. The lengthening of working time when the pho …
Introducing the Footy Weather App for the 2014 Aussie Football League season.Footy Weather is developed by Event Weather Pty Ltd, a startup located in …
Der Mobile Class Finder ist eine kostenlose, mobile Anwendung für den Bereich der gewerblichen Schutzrechte. Er dient zur Ermittlung von sog. Klassen- …
Ratio Analysis is an app designed to save you time and make you more productive. Why waste time remembering formulas and then working out the answer o …