Check period of stay in the Schengen area and find out how many days you may spend.Calculations are performed based on the maximum possible stay of 90 …
Welcome to the Islamic Center of Boca Raton Android App. Keep up to the date with Boca Raton prayer times and Iqaama times at ICBR. Get information on …
This application allows you to calculate the amount of money saved and the total cost of a product with a discount. Please feel free to contact me wit …
Драма на охоте. Чехов А.П.Серия "Русская классика"Если Вам понравилась книга - оставьте, пожалуйста, ОТЗЫВ :-)Чтобы было больше бесплатных книг БЕЗ РЕ …
Simple Recorder Free is a fun and easy to use audio & voice recorder. Use it to record meetings, lectures, and personal notes, or any sounds you want! …
Том 3В книге изложен ведический взгляд на западную философию. Раскрыты самые важные жизненные вопросы:Почему западная философия не приносит счастья? К …
Том 1В книге изложен ведический взгляд на западную философию. Раскрыты самые важные жизненные вопросы:Почему западная философия не приносит счастья? К …
Set multiple countdown timers and have them run concurrently with no limit to how many can be created.Easy use widget to start new timers.Timers are e …
Do you need to know the average speed at which vehicles are traveling on a road? Don’t want to use old paper and stopwatch-based methodologies? No pro …
If you are looking for the best ever small tattoo art designs, then you are at the right place! Tattoo is something which is now a day represents our …