【爱在转角】是一款最真实的缘分计算器。在茫茫人海中,你(妳)是否希望可以遇见真正命中注定的另一半呢?那个人可能时常在各个不同地方与你(妳)「擦肩而过」,但你(妳)却不认识他(她);在这里,透过GPS与LBS(Location Based Service),我们可以遇见那个期待已久的有缘人;还可以依照 …
3x3 grid. *Relatively shorter games than larger boards (such as original 2048 4x4)*Hone efficiency and strategies that can be applied to larger game b …
Share.to is an easy to use collaboration and messaging service for working with individuals and teams. From sales representatives communicating with t …
ConnectionTester is a simple app that tells you if your internet connection is ok or not with just one touch. In case of problems, it gives suggestion …