The Buddhism Sutra ( Chinese Info Only )佛教典籍【 慈悲水忏法 】大正藏第45冊 No. 1910应用程序说明:本电子书版本为 v 2.0 参考版。立体翻页效果。字体与背景颜色可调整。另附宝忏缘起说明、慈悲三昧水忏讲记节录书。制作因缘:有感启建大法会时忏本常不 …
Guten Tag!Wir freuen uns, Sie begrüßen zu können und möchten Ihnen hier kurz erläutern, was uns wichtig ist.Im Mittelpunkt unserer Tätigkeit stehen Si …
This tool provides the standard ITU grid conversion chart for both wavelength and frequency for all three bands (L, C and S bands) with 100-GHz spacin …
Test your knowledge by taking a quiz on ITU and information and communication technologies! ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United …
Programma di formazione continua dell’Istituto universitario per la formazione professionale di Lugano. Sono presentati tutti i corsi destinati ai res …
IUOE66 is the official app of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 66. For more than 100 years, we have worked to build better communi …
IUS Electoral para dispositivos móviles.Esta es la aplicación gratuita y oficial del IUS Electoral del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Fed …
This application displays over 1000 trees at the Indiana University Southeast Campus. The name, position, height, spread and other measurements were o …