Snapshot ..capture that special moment! You just missed to capture that special moment because your camera was not ready yet?Then its time to try Snap …
In film-based photographic education, strong programs and writings have placed great emphasis on making a negative. But to get to the negative, good e …
要求root 不要安裝,如果您的設備沒有紮根。 截圖動畫捕捉您的設備屏幕,並通過mp4視頻動畫他們。 特點 選項來設置時間刻度,呈現時間戳和/或獲取屏幕截圖的時間。 選項從一開始和/或視頻末尾切截圖。 選項,選擇保存位置的視頻。 選擇保存,丟棄和/或分享視頻編。If you want to help …