很多手机在用过一段时间以后都会变得反应很慢,对手机不是很了解的朋友,可能会用自带的手机助手清理一遍,或者干脆重启手机;稍微懂点手机知识的会管理下手机的运行程序,卸载一些无用的预装软件。但这些只能是权宜之计不能从根本上解决手机反应慢的根本问题,刷机、升级系统成了最有效最实用的方法,下面为大家汇总下手机 …
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系统监控 OS Monitor
OS Monitor是一个小工具,让你可以看到你手机的各个实时状况。 1.程序列表-显示程序列表,支持排序等功能 2.网卡资料-列出所有网卡资料 3.连线状况-列出所以连线,同时可直接查询位置 4.杂项-电池、CPU和档案系统(要求已root的设备,可支持超频) 5.记录-可显示Linux dmes …
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English Adventure: os 3 ursos
Como uma editora líder em educação desejamos expor ao seu filho os mais recentes e melhores métodos de ensino. Esse é o motivo de termos desenvolvido …
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Desk Clock Plus
Desk Clock Plus is the full featured version of the stock android clock program for your phone or tablet. While keeping the original look and feel of …
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Pistol Builder PRO
Pistol Builder PRO is a fun app that allows the user to use their creativity to build a custom handguns on their Android device and export them as a g …
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Pistol Builder
Pistol Builder is a fun app that allows the user to use their creativity to build a custom handguns on their Android device and export them as a graph …
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Robot Shark
Swim and get all the coins you can. Avoid the viruses. Each virus takes a life away. You have three lives(v1.1)-Music!-You can now exit the game.- Sco …
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