Swipe is an extremely fast to-do list manager based on the famous application "Clear" which is only available for iPhone. With Swipe you can bring or …
The global network for meeting new people nearby who are ready to chat and meet — FREE! Anonymously finds other people nearby who like you. If you als …
The name says it all, you just need to swipe! Endless game where all you have to do is sort the colored balls. Sounds easy? Well its not... Two differ …
Swipe is a unique game that uses swiping to navigate and play.The soothing music, the ability to only have to use one finger and the clean and simple …
Skype是最受欢迎的网络电话,全球拥有6.63亿用户。拨打国际长途(手机、座机)最低1分钱/分钟起,可在电脑、平板电脑、手机、电视、PSP等多种终端上使用。Skype之间的语音视频通话免费;支持25方语音通话和10方多人视频通话。--Skype for Android 版本支持视频通话,允许用户进 …
风靡全球的《Draw A Stickman Epic》,首次在中国发行专为中国用户定制的安卓版《画个火柴人》。《画个火柴人》是一款创意和有趣的冒险游戏,用色彩笔先画个自己专属的角色;再根据探险情节和关卡需要,画多样的武器对抗怪兽,画丰富的道具消除障碍。完全不用担心画功不佳而无法进行游戏,因为您可选择 …