Rye Studio 主要面向兒童開發益智的程序,主要有有聲電子書和智力遊戲我們挑選了世界上最受歡迎的童話和寓言故事,配合精美的插圖及音樂,讓兒童隨時隨地閱讀有趣的故事,此外,我們針對兒童學習年齡,設計了簡單有趣的遊戲,讓兒童在遊戲中獲取更多的知識,我們將不斷的更新改進為您與您的孩子提供更多更好的產 …
==================================== The New Tournament Game for Bingo!! ==================================== - A NEW TWIST ON BINGO - play in diffren …
Here is a geography quiz in which you try to identify a country based on 4 cryptic pictures. There are currently 100 levels so expect some of the answ …
【SANGETSU 3D Floor Simulator for Carpet Tile】A software to design the floor with Sangetsu carpet-tiles.It provides you a number of design ideas includ …
Take a trip around the world with pictures and see if you can find each location. Along our trip we will give you the name of a location and you need …