Ebola Surveyor
EBOLA SURVEYOR est une application gratuite conçue et développée par le Groupe Ivocarte Abyshop Didactiel pour Aider à la sensibilisation pour la lutt …
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Simple Chess Clock
Simple Chess Clock does what it says. Built for touchscreen devices (1.6+), and designed for easy interaction. Features:* Configurable time* Time dela …
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Japanese Vocab for Beginner
This application is dedicated for a beginner who wants to focuse on memorizing basic japanese vocabulary. The beginner can memorize the vocabularies f …
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Aplikasi Layanan Berbasis Lokasi Dengan Penerapan Augmented Reality Menggunakan Metode Markerless Berbasis Android Pada Studi Kasus Pencarian Perangka …
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The chipertext provided RC6 is very difficult solve by cryptanalyst because RC6 is the best algorithms Rivest Code, and there is no record of the cryp …
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S H English Conversation
This Application can help you to increase your ability in english. It's equipped by file.mp3 that can help you to listen to the conversation. Just …
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