BestestTube lets you watch the all funniest, hottest and best memes and videos from YouTube and gives you detailed insights into each one of them, so …
English Dutch Flashcards is a great multi language learning app that utilises speaking flashcards.There are 14 different themed sets of cards and each …
English Dutch TranslatorDutch English TranslatorThis application is designed to be a translator between English and Dutch. This application can transl …
English Dzongkha Dictionary – travel dictionary to translate English to Dzongkha displaying a list of matching words in romanised Dzongkha. The dictio …
A real estate agent since 2006, I have seen the Atlanta real estate market at both its best and worst. As your real estate agent, I will help you to f …
User will be satisfied with this Esperanto - English dictionary because: - It has the largest vocabulary- Detail description for each word and a lot o …
This Taxi Booking App allows you to book a Taxi or Private Hire Vehicle from Penny Lane TaxisWith this App you can: * Make a booking directly from you …
English Estonian Dictionary – travel dictionary to translate English to Estonian displaying a list of matching words. The dictionary also translates f …