1.send/receive CNC G code text file to CNC machines with rs-232 bluetooth adapter.2.support ISO or ASCII characternote:some android 4.4 devices may ha …
Аудиокнига. Короленко Владимир Галактионович. «Дети подземелья»Повесть известного русского писателя и общественного деятеля Владимира Галактионовича К …
Follow the “Official Packers Station" on your mobile device. NBC26 Mobile takes the best features from nbc26.com, NBC26 Live and rolls them into a mob …
Binaural beats are sound wave beats designed to induce your brain into a more relaxed state. These beats can be used for relaxation, stress reduction, …
HER GÜN BİR AYET Uygulaması , Adından da Anlaşılacağı gibi Belirlediğiniz Saat ve Dakika da Her Gün Size Bir Ayet-i Kerime Görüntüler.Görüntüleme Tele …
Punjabi Muhavare Proverbs: A proverb means a short or condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience which is taken as tru …
Learn to make tasty recipes with ★ Kitchen Cat ★ on your Android phone.Show off your new culinary talents and impress the people you love.Recipes are …