Martin's Descent
A modern android throwback to the classic roguelikes of old. Akin to games such as Nethack and Rogue, players will find themselves in a seemingly simp …
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Planet Descent
“To set foot on the soil of the asteroids, to lift by hand a rock from the Moon, to observe Mars from a distance of several tens of kilometers, to lan …
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Martin's Descent
A modern android throwback to the classic roguelikes of old. Akin to games such as Nethack and Rogue, players will find themselves in a seemingly simp …
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Библиотека ЦС вер.2
Приложение позволяет просматривать тексты различных книг на церковно-славянском языке. Книги загружаются с удаленного сервера и сохраняются на SD карт …
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TWD - Carl e Rick
Crea anche tu una simpatica discussione fra Rick e Carl di The Walking Dead e condividila con cui vuoi dove vuoi.Ora in pochi secondi e in pochi passa …
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