Openvpn for Android is an open source client based on the open source OpenVPN project. It uses the VPNService API of Android 4.0+ and requires neither …
Openvpn for Android is an open source client based on the open source OpenVPN project. It uses the VPNService API of Android 4.0+ and requires neither …
This app offer an easy way to configure and use the well known OpenVPN.There is not needed to have the root access, because the VPN tun device is hand …
This app is a plugin for popular OpenVPN clients.Enable you to find and import FREE open VPN servers from Internet for OpenVPN clients. Increase their …
装了一大堆垃圾应用,手机空间已不足,还在纠结于一个个的用系统卸载,效率低的事情应该说 No 。有了《易卸载(eUninstall)》,简简单单,快捷方便,却大有可为,无须刷机便让爱机恢复出厂性能。主要功能:*?批量卸载:可一次选择多个App进行卸载操作,省时省力。*?普通卸载:调用系统的卸载方式,安 …